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NapiFeryn BioTech is a beneficiary of the Giant Leaps Horizon Europe project

Project Acronym: GIANT LEAPS

Title: Gap resolutIon in sAfety, NuTritional, alLergenicity and Environmental assessments to promote Alternative Protein utilization and the dietary Shift 

Partners: 35 partners from 13 EU member states and 4 associated and affiliated countries.

Project information: The Giant Leaps’s objective is to transform the European food system to make it more sustainable and health-promoting. The project develops and delivers multidisciplinary methodologies, open-access datasets and strategic innovations to promote and accelerate the dietary shift – transition from animal-based to alternative dietary proteins.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s HORIZON EUROPE research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101059632.

More information: Giant Leaps project website


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