Project title: International protection of novel proprietary method for isolation of natural functional bioproteins from plant material
Project objective: Project involves preparation and implementation of the procedures leading towards obtaining international protection of industrial property for the invention – novel method for isolation of natural functional bioproteins from plant material.
Project information: Measure 2.3. Pro-innovation services for enterprises, Sub-measure 2.3.4. Protection of industrial property, co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund as part of the Smart Growth Operational Programme 2014-2020.
More information: The Smart Growth Operational Program on POIR website
wartość projektu : 436 840,00 PLN
wkład Funduszy Europejskich: 184 150,00 PLN
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Since 2019, NapiFeryn Biotech has been involved with the Horizon 2020 (H2020) SME Instrument. The funding and support received from…
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