Since 2019, NapiFeryn Biotech (NFB) has been involved with the Horizon 2020 (H2020) SME Instrument. The funding and support received from H2020 have been a tremendous help in driving NFB’s ALSEOS project to turn the byproduct of rapeseed oil production into valuable food protein.
Not only does the H2020 SME Instrument make innovation possible, but it also encourages the European small & medium enterprise sector to strive towards a more sustainable future, where continuous growth is possible.
Moving forward, as it’s predicted that the global population will rise to 9bn by 2050, proteins derived from plants are a key focus for the food industry to ensure the sustainability of food sources stay intact. NapiFeryn BioTech’s protein product, Raptein™, supports just this.
Over the last two years, NFB has come a long way as a company. Thanks to the support from the Horizon 2020 research and development programme, the company was able to focus on the work and development of their unique technology. It was a challenging, but also a fascinating time for Napiferyn.
Magdalena Kozłowska, Founder of NapiFeryn Biotech
“We have to say that working in the framework of the SME Instrument was a great experience and the program was very well thought out for SMEs. It not only gives the financing necessary to develop the technology but also provides other services very useful to SMEs. One of those services is support, mentoring, and coaching provided by an experienced EASME Coach that we were able to choose from the rich EASME base of industry experts available.”
The other examples are business development and investment opportunities offered to SME Instrument beneficiaries. It is one of “the most wanted” services by any company and shows how the program offered different opportunities to project’s participant’s thinking also about the business development of the financed technology or product.
Being a member of the prestigious group of the SME Instrument awarded companies, NFB has won the credibility and a position of one of the most innovative European companies in agri-food sector. That was – and still is – very helpful in building the company’s brand and business development.