Consumers’ interests are constantly changing, often at a rapid pace, making it difficult for the market to catch up and ensure that these wants are fulfilled. This can often be attributed to a lack of foresight, unpredictable trends, or a lack of widespread necessary technological progress to develop economically viable ways of providing these goods and services. In the food industry, the trend for some time has been leaning towards healthier foods obtained in an environmentally sustainable way, with an emphasis on plant products and nutritious proteins. Questions surrounding the ethics and sustainability of animal farming have led to an increase of consumer interest in plant proteins. However, environmental issues also arise with overfarming and mass production of a singular plant, which, in the plant protein world, has been soy. The environmentally conscious consumer (a growing statistic) is hungry for diverse forms of plant proteins. NapiFeryn BioTech, a Polish research and development company, has the technology and vision to revolutionize the food industry, addressing these consumer interests in an economical and environmentally sustainable way. Now, it just needs the cooperation of European rapeseed oil processors.
The rapeseed oil-processing industry holds immense potential for spearheading a revolution of the food industry alongside NapiFeryn BioTech. This is because NapiFeryn’s innovative technology ALSEOS can extract nutritious food-grade proteins from the byproducts of the rapeseed oil-pressing process. These proteins are tasteless and therefore versatile, ready to be used in a multitude of various food products. While the uses for rapeseed oil are many, the byproducts have previously only been used as animal feed. ALSEOS is the singular technology that possesses the capability to remove the bitter taste that was preventing the use of rapeseed oil-pressing byproducts in human food products. Because of this, NapiFeryn has achieved prestige through a number of awards and grants. NapiFeryn BioTech is the only Polish beneficiary of the prestigious Horizon 2020 SME Instrument Phase 2 Program in the food sector. NapiFeryn has considered every factor, optimized the efficiency of their technology, and taken every step necessary to ensure that ALSEOS is ready to become widely available to rapeseed oil processors across Europe.
In any successful venture within an industry, one eye must always remain fixed on the future. NapiFeryn BioTech is aware of the trends within the food industry and environmentalism, and that consumers grow more environmentally conscious by the day and are ready to try new, nutritious, eco-friendly food products. When it comes to protein, the options widely available to consumers are animal proteins and soy products, neither of which are sustainable options. NapiFeryn’s ALSEOS technology uses environmentally friendly processes and results in far less waste than in the soy industry, as well as providing food manufacturers and consumers with another plant protein option, adding more diversity to our world food system and making it overall more sustainable. Their business model is focused in Europe, where the rapeseed crop is widely grown more than anywhere else in the world, ensuring that the technology is utilized locally. Because of this, the environmental damages and costs associated with long transport are significantly reduced.
ALSEOS has the rare capability to address a myriad of environmental concerns, but perhaps most pertinent is its ability to transform what was previously considered waste into nutritious, protein-packed consumable material to sustain Earth’s exponentially growing population. Ensuring that we utilize all components of Earth’s natural resources is imperative and has been perhaps one of the most important considerations of the environmental movement for decades. NapiFeryn’s technology not only increases the number of potential uses for the rapeseed plant, but also the potential for rapeseed oil processors to a significant degree.
Ensuring that their technology is environmentally safe is not all that NapiFeryn has hoped to achieve with their technology – because of NapiFeryn’s pragmatism, it will prove to be not only economically viable for its users, but gainful. It allows for rapeseed oil processors to double their revenue and take an influential step towards the reformation of our food industry. Due to the efficiency of ALSEOS, many will benefit from this technology, but nobody more than rapeseed oil processors, who can be sure that the step they are taking when applying ALSEOS to their processes is both profitable and environmentally sustainable. Using this technology will ensure that rapeseed oil processors reduce their waste output, expand their profitable output, and capture the attention of the environmental movement worldwide.
Given the opportunity, ALSEOS, NapiFeryn BioTech, and rapeseed oil processors can take a step towards a much-needed metamorphosis of the food industry. The food industry is a significant area that contributes to the world’s environmental footprint and continues to grow larger with the world’s booming population. NapiFeryn BioTech has accounted for the changing scope of our world when designing their technology, meaning that those who employ the use of this technology can be sure that they will be joining NapiFeryn at the forefront of positive world change.